Everything has changed. This irony of life struck me as soon as I met him, sadly, late in my realization. Life is constantly changing, and the manner of change it has manifested upon me has been dreadful. I should have known, have I not doubted the pessimist in me, that tolerating him would cause a setback in my daily life. It's a shame, persistence is an unknown plight to an anti-social such as me. Unfortunately, that ignorance has cost me the privilege of peace in solitude, which I enjoy and hope to prolong. Now that he assumes familiarity in my household, he could appear any time at my doorstep, needing to see me for reasons I do not care to know. The delight on my mother's face to see him come for the purpose of me could not paint itself on mine, as there had been no one else who comes for this purpose. Of all the people I've known, there hasn't been anyone who could amount to his meddling. Although it's amazing how he does it, at the same time, having mostly spoken about himself. There could be no more modesty than this, that even my mother had taken a liking to him. Invasion would be such a harsh word to characterize the schemes of a welcome predator. Him taking on the guise of a boy-next-door, who you could possibly dream to ever have, had me thinking otherwise. It's becoming a constant that I hope would change.
Even in dreams he has started to plague me. He is becoming an unnecessary preoccupation lately and I mean this in absolutely no good sense. He was trying to get involved in everything I'm inclined in. He is like this rock, thrown towards me, a still lake. He plunged into my being rippling anxiety, washing away the quiet life I have been used to. I hate how this has been happening, yet I feel so powerless to resist this altering current. It sucks me into this whirlpool of interruption, into the jaws of a lifelong turbulence that's rearing its ugly head with the likeness of his face. The fear in me roiling, unsettling the murky sediments of my uneasiness and unrest. Despite my calm surface, it gets to me like the panic of a shipwreck in shallow waters. Such thoughts stir in the depths of my mind, churning the inconceivable. Those of which that unknowingly seeped through the hole of my enfeebled tolerance, sinking my whole subconscious. My head is filled through the brim with the flow of those thoughts. Never did I imagine myself to be this much absorbed. This emotional outpouring is draining my sanity and he is responsible of manning the sluice. There is no denying, he is already starting to circulate in my veins, so much I am soaked in the metaphor of his presence. The last thing I'd be having from him is a wet dream.