Turns out Sony Computer Entertainment had a reality show called "
The Tester" about twelve or so contestants competing for a career at SCEA as a Game Tester. The winner got a $5,000 sign-in bonus
(Meh.), a PS3 console
(Not bad.), and a Sony Bravia 3D television
(Ok, I want in!). At first it might seem like a Big Brother spin-off where they gathered up seemingly random bunch of people who have a common interest on gaming. The only difference this show has with BB is the house. It's not just a house. It's a house full of PS3 consoles and all the possible PS game titles in every corner! Two words. Gamer Haven. No, make that Gamer Heaven. But of course, there's a corresponding
hell of trials for the show's purpose, which is to find someone who had what it takes to be a
Game Tester. The show looked scripted to me though, and other than the prizes at stake, there's not much to look forward to. It just seemed like any other act of publicity to me, but not until season 2 began.
Unfortunately, the gaming world is patriarchal by nature. Those who belong to the minority play discreetly most of the time—*cough*. Although it's a different case when you're playing alone, but some just want to play it out either online or in Battlenet or whatever platforms that include interaction, or when those male hormones just want to kick some butt. While we mostly get annoyed by those pretentious 12-year-olds running around calling everyone noob, we can't avoid hate remarks from homophobes who make up almost all of the gaming population. That's really a bad place for someone who's openly gay. It could also be traumatic at times.

Eventually, here comes season 2 of The Tester, and among the roster of gaming enthusiasts qualified for the show is someone with the monicker "Gaymer". At first I thought it was a typo but when he started talking about himself, my eyes were blurred with glitter. He really is gay! Openly gay and a good-looking one to boot. In one of the rarest circumstances a proud homosexual graced a show that's wrought with male supremacy. It's good that Sony's starting to recognize the pink flag in the market. Very good marketing strategy. It's kinda unthinkable that Sony would go to such lengths to make the show seem legit and all but man, this here is the real thing. He's got balls to say that he's gay. Now that's hardcore!
His real name is Matthew Michael Brown. Unbeknown to us, he had been crowned Mr. Gay San Diego 2010. The achievements don't end there yet. All throughout the tasks given he wasn't really an achiever and got almost wiped out of the show. What got him through was the the professional demeanor he established since the beginning. And he came out champion. Gay or not, you'd really root for this guy to win because he didn't play dirty, (spoiler) he remained impartial during the conflict (/spoiler), he was determined and most of all, he showed how much he wanted to have the job. He won in a way where even his opponents could really approve that he really deserved it. I would have wanted to have that monicker for myself but he has proven himself the icon of such term. Truly, the epitome of the word sportsmanship.
In his final words during his
interview he said, "
...Keep it up gay gamers, keep it strong, and make sure you're always out, loud, and proud. That's all I've got to say. Don't shy away from who you are and make sure everyone knows it, because one day we'll all just be accepted."
So, fellow gay~mers whether it be online or real life, put your GAYme face on!
† Photos exclusively by www.gaygamer.net ©